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Message from the AAFEPA President

Dear AAFEPA Members,

Welcome to AAFEPA! I am thrilled to extend my warmest greetings as we embark on another year of dedicated service to the federal education programs in Alabama's schools. Our mission is clear: to support the leadership and management of these programs, ensuring that each student finds success. It is my privilege and honor to serve as AAFEPA President as we prepare to meet the challenges and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead.

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) has opened up numerous possibilities for greater flexibility in the implementation of federal programs. We are continually growing as an organization, and our current membership stands at 209 dedicated professionals. I eagerly look forward to working with each of you as the year progresses.

As AAFEPA members, you are also NAFEPA members, and I encourage you to make the most of the NAFEPA Connection that you receive each month. It's an invaluable resource packed with information on the latest developments at the US Department of Education and on Capitol Hill, covering a wide range of topics that directly impact our work in the districts.

On behalf of the AAFEPA officers, I want to express our deepest gratitude for your unwavering commitment to Alabama's students. Your dedication and hard work are what propel us toward our shared vision of a brighter educational future. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to meet and connect with many of you at the 32nd Annual AAFEPA Conference, to be held at The Marriott Shoals Hotel & Spa in Florence from November 5-8, 2024. It promises to be an enriching and inspiring event.



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